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Important of communication between team

One of the most fundamental elements of teamwork is team communication.Having effective teamwork is only one aspect of communication.It enables everyone on the team to gain knowledge on any subject that might have an impact on their work. Team communication involves more than just talking to one ano..... readmore

October 1, 2023
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“Work smarter, not harder” -Allen F. Morgenstern

The more I pay attention to this phrase the more I realize working smarter, not harder, is the secret to efficiently getting work done. You must know to organize yourself in work so that you will find a workflow and also manage time.As i read the concept i come to know even the Elon Musk, and Bill G..... readmore

October 1, 2023
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"Leadership is action, not position." Donald H. McGannon

Leadership is not defined by the position we hold in an organization, but by the actions we choose to take. It is simply a matter of choice and behavior. It's not about the authority and position they hold what matter is how they use their position as a leader.Employee must feel free to communicatio..... readmore

October 25, 2023